Friday, December 28, 2012

Water and Modern Society

Water is an essential element of staying alive but also to remain at ultimate health, it is necessary to hydrate ourselves adequately. “Water makes up greater than 2/3 of the weight of the human body; the brain is 75% water, blood is 83% water, bones are 22% water, muscles are 75% water, and the lungs are 90% water.” Ideally drinking ½ to 2/3 of an ounce of water per pound of body weight is a good rule of thumb depending on how active you are, whether you are breastfeeding, drinking alcoholic beverages or if you are overweight. Society recently has recognized this need by creating the sale of plastic-bottled water which is readily available. To take this a step further we can purchase a re-usable glass or food- grade stainless steel water bottle that we can refill and take with us. We can personalize this bottle and it can become part of our lifestyle and at the same time reduce the amount of petroleum plastics that are created and never reach the recycling bin. The leaching of BPA, an hormone disrupter in the form of synthetic estrogens, is avoided when we do not use plastic water bottles. Furthermore it is important to keep this fact in mine: “Americans drink more bottled water than any other nation, purchasing an impressive 29 billion bottles every year. Making all the plastic for those bottles uses 17 million barrels of crude oil annually. That is equivalent to the fuel needed to keep 1 million vehicles on the road for 12 months.” As we take care of our health, we must also be conscious of what effects we are creating on our environment. The Ninety Ninth Monkey supports Reusability, not only for water bottles but travel mugs for coffee, tea and reusable lunch containers.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Choices and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

We should be able to make informed choices in the foods we eat. GMO or Genetically Modified Organism are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques; food often has DNA inserted from a different species. The purpose of GMO foods is to enhance growth, nutrition value, colour & enhance flavour or to make crops more resistant to diseases/insects/herbicides. For example a bacterial gene has been inserted into corn making the plant resistant to the corn rootworm (Bt corn). Monsanto, an agricultural biotechnical company is responsible for producing Roundup Ready Soybeans and Corn….plants that have been genetically engineered to withstand the spraying of Roundup, a widespread herbicide. Sounds wonderful!!! But GMO food has not been researched and tested thoroughly. Tampering with plant genes has caused weed and insect resistance and soil/water contamination. Under health concerns, there is a big risk of unknown toxins and allergens that can trigger adverse immune responses as well as hormonal disruptions, obesity, birth defects and allergies. In Canada and the US it is not mandatory to label GMO food. Soy, canola, corn and cotton are the most genetically modified plants but tomatoes, papaya, rice, peas can be as well. We as consumers should demand required labelling of GMO’s in our food. Certified Organic cannot contain GMO ingredients. Check and question what you eat! For more info go to The Ninety Ninth Monkey does not support GMO products.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What is Fair Trade?

From nuts& oils to tea& coffees to hand-made bag/ purses& jewellery, many products are grown and produced in developing countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Caribbean, etc. We consume these products and often take for granted the hard labour and struggles that the peoples who produced these products endured. Large corporations enter countries such as Tanzania, Bali or Guatemala where farmers and artisans are approached to trade/produce their crops or hand-made items but unfortunately prices, environmental and safety standards are not reflective of the true value of the goods from these poorer countries. As North Americans we can take a great advantage of obtaining these unique and delicious products at a fraction of what they are really worth. In addition rich companies go into these under-developed countries and not only reap large profits but also introduce chemicals to the farmers/artisans such as herbicides, pesticides, chemicals and unsafe manufacturing methods that not only harm the health of the native people but eventually pollute their pristine waters and soils. Fair Trade Certification is: A minimum price is guaranteed to farmers and workers Funding for community development Sustainable environmental practices Support small farm cooperatives International Labour Organization Standards More direct trade relationships…longer and meaningful Fair Trade helps the people themselves but also helps to ensure the environment of these countries is not being abused by overproduction and pollutants, ensuring a sustainable future. Therefore the next time you sip your morning coffee or sip your afternoon tea and nibble on that chocolate bar…..enquire if their source has been obtained under Fair Trade practices. If it was, you’ve just made life a little sweeter! The Ninety Ninth Monkey supports Fair Trade!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Litterless Lunch solutions at The Ninety Ninth Monkey

As August and September approach, parents are faced with choices for lunch containers, boxes, bags and water bottles. There are many options for containers: one piece containers have numerous individual units and these eliminate all the various individual containers with matching lids that often get lost. Examples of these are the Go Green Lunch Box, Goodbyn, Bynto. There are many choices for individual containers, some of which have dividers, some are thermal, some are leak proof and some are easier to open than others….especially for little hands. They can be made from stainless steel, glass and BPA free plastics such as Kids Konserve, LunchBots, Steeltainer, Sanctus Mundo, Greentainer, Ecolunch Box, Wean Green, Innobaby containers. To replace the plastic baggies there are now many re-usable bags with BPA free linings with Velcro or zipper closures. They can be easily wiped out or quickly washed in the sink with dish soap, rinsed and let dry for the next day. There are many decorative designs that appeal to different ages. Examples are the KeepLeaf, Itzy Rtitzy, and Sling Sisters reusable snack bags. WrapnMat makes a reusable wrap for sandwiches, bagels, snacks, etc that unfolds into a neat mat for the school or work desk. Water bottles come in a million shapes, colours and sizes but take caution if you buy stainless steel that it is of a good food grade from a reliable company or the water may have a metal taste. KLean Kanteen makes good water bottles in various sizes and they also make an excellent thermal one as does Thinksport. Although light weight I would avoid aluminum bottles. Lifefactory makes a conveniently silicone sleeved glass water bottle that adds some protection from breakage but they still better suited for older students. All plastic ones should be definitely BPA free, avoiding #7 plastics. Nutrition for Your Condition makes a unique “brown bag” lunch bag with multi zippered compartments for containers, some insulating. Dabbawalla and Built make colourful lunch bags from neoprene which offers insulation but Moms love them because they are totally washable. Beatrix NY and So Young Mother also make lunch boxes, coolers and back-packs that are lead, PVC, pthalate and BPA free that have exciting, colourful and retro picture fronts. Packit has a unique lunch bag that folds up to put into the freezer and then open up so the frozen gel can act as a cooler for many hours in the lunch bag. Remember, however the most important thing is to pack a nutritious lunch avoiding over-processed foods and sugary snacks. Lots of veggies!!!! From Barb at The Ninety Ninth Monkey, Brooklin’s Green Store

Restaurant Left-Overs!!!!

It is so nice to go out for a meal to celebrate or to simply have someone else cook. Often our eyes are bigger than our stomachs or portion sizes are too large and we can’t eat what is on our plates. I don’t believe in wasting food because it is a most important essential. And thus out comes the take-out containers, often made from styrofoam. Labelled an “environmental evil”, styrofoam takes “500 years to dissolve” and has a “low level of recycling patrons”. Other disposable take-out containers can be made from paper or clear plastics but they also create a negative environmental impact. These take-out containers are also a cost to the restaurant industry which is factored into their prices. It is a lot better and not so difficult to take your own re-usable container that you can load up the food and bring it home. Tuck into your purse, in a small bag or simply carry in your hand when going out to a restaurant. Various re-usable leak-proof containers made out of stainless steel, BPA-free plastic or glass are available. At first you may feel silly but if we all did use our own reusable containers at restaurants, we would create a positive environmental impact… is a good feeling! LunchBots, Steeltainer, KidsKonserve and Sanctus Mundo make some convenient take out reusable containers. (Available at The Ninety Ninth Monkey)

The Ninety Ninth Monkey Recommends Safe Summer Fun!

When it comes to enjoying sunshine and the outdoors in nature, we must realize that at times we need some protection from sunburns and pesty biting insects. As consumers we are bombarded with an array of various products in sunscreens and bug repellents. Unfortunately many contain toxic and carcinogenic chemicals such as deet (N,N-diethyl-m toluamide, and N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) in bug repellents and Avo/oxybenzones, Paba, Padimate O, Octocrylene(to name a few) in sunscreens. Yes they go on nicely and work well but at a cost of absorbing truly unhealthy toxic chemicals. But there are other options such as bug repellents made from essential plant oils(citronella, lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, catnip, cedarwood, neem etc.) Sunscreens with the active ingredient, zinc oxide with moisturizing natural plant oils are safer and cleaner. And then there are many broad brimmed hats that work simply and efficiently in the sun. Remember that our skin is our largest organ and that toxins can be easily absorbed through our skin directly into our bloodstream without the first aid of our liver to detoxify. Also be extremely cautious with young children as their immune systems are still developing and the load of unnecessary chemicals can have many adverse affects on their well being. Remember that the sunshine also provides the most natural source of Vitamin D. Barb at The Ninety Ninth Monkey says to enjoy your summer and nature and with these tips you can do it in a healthier way. The Ninety Ninth Monkey offers the following brands: Badger, Green Beaver, Thinkbaby/Livestrong, Original Sprout. 51 Baldwin Street, unit #1, Brooklin 905-620-0399

If Mother Nature Wore Clothes.......

We at The Ninety Ninth Monkey believe that the best way to dry clothes is on a line outdoors in the sun. However our life styles, where we live, and the weather often prohibit people from using the most natural and efficient means. But when we decide to use the dryer, we must realize that dryer sheets with artificial fragrances and fabric softeners contain many carcinogenic and toxic chemicals such as acetaldehyde, benzene and acetone. “‘Fabric softeners contain ammonium compounds which release formaldehyde” and this is one of many chemicals dispersed into the atmosphere from the dryer vent. In order to reduce static, the sheets “work by leaving a residue on fabric that never completely comes out” and this clings against our skin for many hours as we wear our clothes. On a rainy day or when outdoor sunshine drying isn’t an option and you need softeners or anti-cling products, The Ninety Ninth Monkey suggests PVC free dryer balls, reusable dryer sheets and natural fragrances from essential oils. Check out , and

The Diapering Dilemma!

When a baby arrives, parents must make a decision about their diaperings choices. The market is flooded with numerous brands but the biggest choice is whether to use re-usable diapers(cloth) or disposables. Today's society, filled with busy schedules from work and extra curricular activities to commitments to other children, makes disposables a convenient solution. However disposable diapers add immensely to landfill sites (in Canada, 4 million diapers per day), take hundreds of years to decompose, use toxic chemicals in manufacturing and some babies bottoms develop rashes and sores in reaction to the synthetic absorbancy material. And it is more economical to use cloth diapers; " it will cost you upwards of $1500 to use throwaway diapers" from birth to when the child is toilet trained. Instead for cloth diapering "you could spend as little as $600." And furthermore you are already diaper-equipped for any further babies. I commend all parents who use re-usable diapers. For those who use disposables, perhaps using cloth diapers on the weekends or those days/nights that you are not so busy could be a beginning. For first time parents, time is often required to tranistion into cloth diapers until the baby grows a little and parents grow to be more comfortable with their little bundle. When choosing disposables try to use ones that are chlorine-free, fragrance free and fully biodegradable/compostable. Whichever you chose, always consider your baby's health first. Remember what's healthy for your baby is also healthy for the planet. A few different brands to check out are AppleCheeks at, Bummis at, gDiapers at, SoftBums at and Funky Fluff at These are available at The Ninety Ninth Monkey.