Saturday, November 30, 2013
Healthy Oils to Cook with?
I’ve been using organic, virgin, coconut oil for a few years now and love it for frying, sautéing, baking etc. It can withstand a higher heat and not oxidize. I also love coconut oil as a butter; I add it to my smoothie and also apply it to my skin as a moisturizer......also great for dry hair. Years ago I used olive oil in cooking but olive oil does not withstand high heats before breaking down into bad radicals. Yet olive oil is great for our hearts when it is not heated. Avoid vegetable oils such as corn and canola or cottonseed oils. They are not healthy oils and more than likely are genetically modified (GMO)
I came across this great article “What's The Best Oil To Cook With?” It has a lot of simple yet informative easy facts. Check it out at .
Healthy fats are essential for our good health.
The wonders of Oil of Oregano
Oil of Oregano is a potent herb loaded with medicinal properties. It is widely known for preventing or healing colds and flus; it acts to loosen and calm coughs as well as combats the germ that caused the sickness. Viruses, bacteria , fungi, parasites and protozoa are destroyed by Oil of Oregano. In addition this herb has the many other health benefits such as being anti-imflammatory, pain-killing, anti-oxidant etc. From respiratory infections to wounds to lice to arthritis, oil or oregano comes to the rescue, and it works as a preventative also….even aids in pet care.
“Your Guide to Oil of Oregano” written by Tracey Gibbs, in simple terms the book educates us in the benefits and application of this potent herb. Additional info on
What are Parabens?
There has been a lot of talk about parabens! They are chemicals that are used as preservatives which prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. They can be found in cosmetics, shampoo, conditioners, lotions, cleaners, toothpastes etc and even in food. They are efficient, cheap and increase the shelf life of products. Sounds good!
But unfortunately they can be easily absorbed through the skin, circulatory and digestive systems where they mimic estrogen. They act to disrupt our hormonal balance and have been associated with not only endocrine disruption but cancer as well.
Check out your everyday personal care products to see if they have been laced with
Next time you are shopping for products, check the labels and try to avoid parabens.
What's in Your Saltshaker?
Regular white table salt is usually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemical additives such as anti-caking compounds, dextrose, moisture absorbents and iodine. This salt is dried at extremely high temperatures.
Using Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt is a better option. I tend to use Himalayan Salt over Sea Salt because the ocean source of sea salts could be polluted with toxins from oil spills, refineries etc.
Himalayan rock salt is pure, not heated or refined and is 85% sodium chloride. The remaining 15% is composed of trace elements/minerals; it contains all 84 elements found in the human body and is healthy for us to ingest. It greatly improves the taste of food naturally. Note that iodine is low in this type of salt and must be obtained from other food sources.
Himalayan Salt also comes in form of bath salts….great for soaking in, drawing out toxins and relaxing in. Himalayan Rock Salt lamps when emitting negative ions have the ability to cleanse air and have a positive effect on our mental state.
Himalayan Rock Salt is a great alternative to replace your conventional white salt.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Bug Season
It is wonderful to be outdoors except when the mosquitos, black flies, deerflies, no-seeums etc. strike!
Deet products without a doubt work well against these flying critters but they also work against our bodies. Deet is a very toxic chemical and it is best to be avoided at all costs. (At worst spray them on your hats, shoes and clothing taking care not to inhale the vapours) For direct application to skin, make use of cleaner sprays. Using and reapplying natural sprays for the outdoors made from essential oils and neem oil is a lot healthier approach.
Here are a couple of recipes for outdoor sprays:
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
2-3 tablespoons organic vanilla (stuff you bake with)
15 drops of lavender essential oil
10 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil
Into a spray bottle pour witch hazel and add the following essential oils:
Citronella Oil (must) 15 drops
Lemongrass Oil (must) 15
Optionally you can add a few drops of the following: Lavender, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Geranium essential oils.
Have a safe and fun summer outdoors!
Pop into The Ninety Ninth Monkey for more info.
Unusual Alternative Remedies for Pain…..Jewellery
From joint pain, arthritis to baby teething pains, we are always searching for a means to alleviate our hurts without horrible side effects. Two of these natural pain remedies are baltic amber and hazel wood that through centuries have been acknowledged as having healing properties.
Even from ancient times, going back to the times of Hippocrates (460-377 BC) Baltic amber was recognised as having medicinal properties. It is a fossilized tree resin that contains Succinic Acid which is believed to be a natural analgesic and healing agent. As the amber is warmed against the skin the succinic acid is absorbed through the skin. Amber bracelets and necklaces are made for babies(teething pain) and adults(arthritic pains). Some even believe that the succinic acid improves balance and energy flow.
Hazel wood is also a popular alternative to aid in teething pains, diaper rashes and eczemas. The Hazel wood trees are indigenous in regions of Quebec where the First Nations people discovered the healing properties of the hazel wood itself. (Aborigines of Australia also use Hazel wood therapeutically.) Hazel wood works by creating an alkaline environment in your body; because the wood is alkaline it absorbs the acidity in your body as it lies against the skin….. Being too acidic causes health problems.
Therefore sometimes simple solutions like wearing jewellery made from amber and/or hazel wood can be helpful in some everyday ailments. These necklaces, bracelets, anklets etc are not only attractive but offer healing benefits.
The Ninety Ninth Monkey offers both amber and hazel wood jewellery.
What's Lurking in Your Toothpaste?
It is a good idea to check out the ingredients in your toothpaste and even more so if you have young children in your family that may be swallowing as they brush. Many brands of toothpaste contain toxic ingredients when ingested or absorbed.
Although many dentists insist that sodium fluoride is necessary to help prevent cavities, fluoride is a known neurotoxin, endocrine disruptor, developmental toxin and a carcinogen. Even the FDA considers fluoride “an unapproved drug”. Too much fluoride can cause discoloration of the tooth enamel or fluorosis. If a child swallowed a tube of fluoridated toothpaste it could be extremely toxic and dangerous. Perhaps safer methods to promote dental health can be used rather than the toxin, fluoride.
Other ingredients to avoid are: sodium lauryl sulphate, a strong degreasing agent, triclosan, although very antibacterial it is also a dangerous pesticide, harming our health and environment, parabens which are used as preservatives but are also hormone disruptors, propylene glycol which helps keep the paste moist but is an irritant, FD & C Blue Dye #1, #2 etc, artificial colourings easily absorbed and known to cause allergic reactions and even cancer.
Like the food you eat, you should also check out what is in your toothpaste. Artificial sweeteners should also be avoided. Take a few minutes and look at your toothpaste’s ingredients the next time you brush your teeth! Be informed.
The Ninety Ninth Monkey promotes cleaner options in toothpastes.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Life with Fabric Softeners
Our modern living has created these so called “convenient” products and marketing has been extremely successful in convincing us that we need them desperately. One such item is fabric softeners with their concoction of chemicals….from benzyl/ethyl acetate, chloroform, ethanol, pentane, a-terpineol, and on and on. Many of the chemicals found are neurotoxins, carcinogens and can make you nauseous, headachy and drowsy or develop a rash. They usually smell “nice” and we do not realize that these artificial fragrances also are extremely unhealthy; the “nice” smell is also necessary in these softeners in order to cover up the heavy smell of the chemicals used. Fabric softeners also can decrease the absorbency of cloth diapers. They are definitely not good for pet blankets. These chemicals adhere to the laundry and are against your skin ready for absorption for as long as you have those clothes on and as well you can inhale the chemicals for the duration of the day. ! Dryer sheets when heated become volatile and now you breathe the toxins from the dryer; much is vented out into the world for everyone to react to.
If you must have softness in your laundry you can add baking soda or vinegar to the wash cycle, use dryer balls (like felted wool), or purchase a more natural fabric softener without the long list of toxic chemicals.
The sun is the best way to dry laundry. It does make the fabric rougher and not as soft. But this makes it perfect for towels as now you have a natural way to brush/stimulate your skin, exfoliate, save money, naturally sanitize, improve your health and respect the environment.
Wonders of Essential Oils
Essential Oils are often used in natural medicine, as a holistic approach to health; simply because we love their aroma, it makes us feel good. Essential oils are volatile plant liquids extracted through distillation or extraction process. They are extremely concentrated and should not be used directly on the skin unless they are diluted with carrier oils, such as sweet almond, olive, jojoba etc. The benefits of aromatherapy can be by means of inhalation or topical application. For inhalation, diffusers can be used or simply a few drops on a handkerchief; the scent affects the brain’s emotional control center. Topically essential oils can be absorbed into the bloodstream through massages, baths and moisturizers. Some beneficial effects of essential oils range from relief from stress, headaches, insomnia, an increase in immune system function and mood enhancement. Essential oils allow natural fragrance to be present in personal care products without using artificial parfums. Some examples of their uses specifically are:
Eucalyptus can be used in steam inhalation and chest rubs to relieve cold/flu symptoms . Lavender is calming, balances emotions and helps with insomnia. Tea tree has antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide and fungicide properties; it is often used for toe fungus infections and lice treatment. Oil of oregano, because it is a potent antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, & antiparasitic oil, it is often ingested for colds and sore throats and as a preventative. However ingestion of essential oils should be done with caution and/or under medical supervision. If you are pregnant also consult your doctor before using essential oils.
The Ninety Ninth Monkey carries various essential oils. They are also found in many natural personal care products.
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